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- //-------------------------------------------------------------------
- //
- // This code is copyright 2001 by G5 Software.
- // Any unauthorized usage, either in part or in whole of this code
- // is strictly prohibited. Violators WILL be prosecuted to the
- // maximum extent allowed by law.
- //
- //-------------------------------------------------------------------
- class CGermanParatrooperMesh
- {
- string MeshFile = "Models/Paratrooper.mesh";
- string SkinFile = "Models/Paratrooper.skin";
- }
- class CParatrooperCollisionDetector
- {
- float CollisionRadius = 10.0f;
- }
- class CGermanParatrooperStateControl extends CUnitLifeControl
- {
- void CGermanParatrooperStateControl()
- {
- CUnitLifeControl(30.0);
- m_DestroyPause = 0.0;
- m_ExplosionId = "";
- }
- void OnCollisionOccured(
- float _fPower
- )
- {
- // Destroy object
- Core_PostEventTo(
- SOID_MissionController,
- "DestroyGameObject",
- Core_GetIdentificator()
- );
- // register paratrooper landing
- Core_PostEventTo(
- SOID_MissionController,
- "ParatrooperLanded",
- Core_GetIdentificator()
- );
- }
- void DestroyComponent()
- {
- // Destroy object
- Core_PostEventTo(
- SOID_MissionController,
- "DestroyGameObject",
- Core_GetIdentificator()
- );
- // register paratrooper death
- Core_PostEventTo(
- SOID_MissionController,
- "ParatrooperKilled",
- Core_GetIdentificator()
- );
- }
- }
- class CGermanParatrooperGun extends CBaseWeaponDescriptor
- {
- int AmmoQuantity = -1;
- float BulletSpeed = 600.0;
- float FireDeviation = 0.02;
- string LinkJointName = "";
- string WeaponName = "Gun";
- float FireWeaponDelay = 0.1;
- bool IsAutotargeting = false;
- int AttachSlotNumber = 1;
- string BulletPatternId = "BULLETID_GermanParatrooperBullet";
- string EffectOnFire = "EFFECTID_GunTowerGunFireEffect"; //#TMP
- string SoundOnFire = "SOUNDID_GunTowerGunFireSound"; //#TMP
- }
- class CGermanParatrooperBehavior extends
- CBaseBehavior, CGermanParatrooperFireParameters
- {
- bool CanMove = false;
- void CGermanParatrooperBehavior()
- {
- CBaseBehavior();
- }
- }
- class CGermanParatrooperFireParameters
- {
- bool CanFire = true;
- int FirePeriod = 100; // ms
- int FirePeriodRandAdd = 0; // ms
- int ShootGunNum = 1;
- bool BurstFire = true;
- int BurstTime = 200; // ms
- int BurstTimeRandAdd = 0; // ms
- int BurstDelay = 5000; // ms
- int BurstDelayRandAdd = 5000; // ms
- // radar
- bool HasRadar = true;
- float MaxRadarDistance = 1500; // m
- float MinRadarDistance = 30; // m
- int UpdateRadarPeriod = 3000; // ms
- int UpdateRadarPeriodRandAdd = 1000; // ms
- bool FireFlying = true;
- bool FireGround = true;
- };
- class CParatrooperFreeFallControl extends CWorldPhysics
- {
- void CParatrooperFreeFallControl()
- {
- SetFreeFallSpeed(vector(0.0, 0.0, -5.0));
- SetFreeFallAccel(vector(0.0, 0.0, 0.0));
- SetFreeFallAngle(0.0, Math_PI * 2.0);
- EnableFreeFall(true);
- }
- }
- class CGermanParatrooper extends
- CBuilding, CUnitWithStateControl, CUnitWithBehavior, CArmedUnit
- {
- void CGermanParatrooper()
- {
- InitializeModelAsStatic("CGermanParatrooperMesh");
- CUnitWithStateControl("CGermanParatrooperStateControl");
- CreateStaticWeapon("Weapon", "CGermanParatrooperGun");
- InitializeVehicleBehavior("CGermanParatrooperBehavior");
- CreateComponent("FreeFall", "FreeFallControl", "CParatrooperFreeFallControl");
- SetComponentSlaveObject("FreeFall", "Mesh");
- CreateComponent("CollisionDetector", "PointCollisionDetector", "CParatrooperCollisionDetector");
- SetComponentPositionable("CollisionDetector", "Mesh");
- Core_AddClassificator("German");
- Core_AddClassificator("Paratrooper"); // for cockpit identification
- }
- }
- class CGermanParatrooperGenerator
- {
- array m_ParatrooperGroupName = array();
- array m_ParatrooperGroupSize = array();
- array m_ParatrooperLandedQty = array();
- array m_ParatrooperKilledQty = array();
- array m_ParatrooperTargetPos = array();
- array m_ParatrooperTargetClass = array();
- array m_ParatrooperTargetName = array();
- array m_ParatrooperSuccessQty = array();
- void GenerateParatroopersGroup(
- string _BaseId,
- int _Quantity,
- vector _Position,
- float _Radius,
- float _Height,
- string _TargetId,
- string _TargetClass,
- int _SuccessQty
- )
- {
- for (int Paratrooper = 0; Paratrooper < _Quantity; Paratrooper = Paratrooper + 1)
- {
- final float Alpha = rand(Math_PI);
- final float Radius = rand(0.0, _Radius);
- matrix Position = matrix(
- 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, Core_GetVectorX(_Position) + Radius * sin(Alpha),
- 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, Core_GetVectorY(_Position) + Radius * cos(Alpha),
- 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, Core_GetVectorZ(_Position) + float(Paratrooper) * _Height / float(_Quantity),
- 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0
- );
- Core_CallFunction(
- SOID_MissionController,
- "CreateComponent",
- _BaseId + "_" + Paratrooper,
- "GameObject",
- "CGermanParatrooper"
- );
- Core_CallFunction(
- SOID_MissionController,
- "SetComponentPosition",
- _BaseId + "_" + Paratrooper,
- Position
- );
- }
- m_ParatrooperGroupName.addElement(_BaseId);
- m_ParatrooperGroupSize.addElement(_Quantity);
- m_ParatrooperLandedQty.addElement(0);
- m_ParatrooperKilledQty.addElement(0);
- m_ParatrooperTargetPos.addElement(_Position);
- m_ParatrooperTargetClass.addElement(_TargetClass);
- m_ParatrooperTargetName.addElement(_TargetId);
- m_ParatrooperSuccessQty.addElement(_SuccessQty);
- }
- void GenerateParatroopers(
- string _BaseId, // Name of group w/o number
- int _Quantity, // Groups amount
- int _GroupSize, // Paratroopers in group
- vector _Position, // point of landing
- float _Radius, // Radius
- float _Height, // Hight
- string _TargetId, // Name of unit after landing
- string _TargetClass, // Class of unit after landing
- int _SuccessQty, // Min troopers amount for unit creating
- float _DistrTime // Distribution time for paratroopers creation
- )
- {
- for (int Group = 0; Group < _Quantity; Group = Group + 1)
- {
- final float Alpha = rand(Math_PI);
- final float Radius = rand(0.0, _Radius);
- vector Position = vector(
- Core_GetVectorX(_Position) + Radius * sin(Alpha),
- Core_GetVectorY(_Position) + Radius * cos(Alpha),
- Core_GetVectorZ(_Position) + rand(_Height)
- );
- Core_ScheduleTask(
- Core_GetIdentificator(),
- OT_SendEventTo,
- float(Group) * _DistrTime / float(_Quantity),
- "GenerateParatroopersGroup",
- _BaseId + "_" + Group,
- _GroupSize,
- Position,
- _Radius / float(_Quantity),
- _Height,
- _TargetId + "_" + Group,
- _TargetClass,
- _SuccessQty
- );
- }
- }
- void ParatrooperLanded(
- string ParatrooperId
- )
- {
- for (int Group = 0; Group < m_ParatrooperGroupName.size(); Group = Group + 1)
- {
- if (Core_IsStringStartsWith(ParatrooperId, m_ParatrooperGroupName[Group]))
- {
- m_ParatrooperLandedQty[Group] = m_ParatrooperLandedQty[Group] + 1;
- CheckParatroopersGroup(Group);
- return;
- }
- }
- }
- void ParatrooperKilled(
- string ParatrooperId
- )
- {
- for (int Group = 0; Group < m_ParatrooperGroupName.size(); Group = Group + 1)
- {
- if (Core_IsStringStartsWith(ParatrooperId, m_ParatrooperGroupName[Group]))
- {
- m_ParatrooperKilledQty[Group] = m_ParatrooperKilledQty[Group] + 1;
- CheckParatroopersGroup(Group);
- return;
- }
- }
- }
- void CheckParatroopersGroup(
- int _Group
- )
- {
- if ((m_ParatrooperLandedQty[_Group] + m_ParatrooperKilledQty[_Group]) != m_ParatrooperGroupSize[_Group])
- return;
- if (m_ParatrooperLandedQty[_Group] < m_ParatrooperSuccessQty[_Group])
- {
- Core_CallFunction(
- SOID_MissionController,
- "OnParatrooperGroupLanded",
- false,
- m_ParatrooperTargetName[_Group]
- );
- return;
- }
- Core_CallFunction(
- SOID_MissionController,
- "CreateComponent",
- m_ParatrooperTargetName[_Group],
- "GameObject",
- m_ParatrooperTargetClass[_Group]
- );
- Core_CallFunction(
- SOID_MissionController,
- "SetComponentPosition",
- m_ParatrooperTargetName[_Group],
- matrix(
- 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, Core_GetVectorX(m_ParatrooperTargetPos[_Group]),
- 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, Core_GetVectorY(m_ParatrooperTargetPos[_Group]),
- 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, Core_GetVectorZ(m_ParatrooperTargetPos[_Group]),
- 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0
- )
- );
- Core_CallFunction(
- SOID_MissionController,
- "OnParatrooperGroupLanded",
- true,
- m_ParatrooperTargetName[_Group]
- );
- }
- }